The Real Estate Market in 2024!

by Matthew Deadman

If you turn the TV on a few minutes before midnight on December 31st, you can bank on the fact that you’re going to catch the ball dropping in Times Square on one of several channels. Just choose your favorite station or host, and the ball will hit the bottom at the very stroke of midnight no matter which one you’re listening to.

If only the real estate market was as predictable…

…it would make it a lot easier for me to answer the burning question so many people have: Will the market drop in 2024?

Buyers are of course wondering because they’d like to get a house at a lower price.

Sellers are wondering (and maybe a little worried) that their values could plummet and they’ve missed the window to sell at record high prices.

And there are plenty of people who have mixed emotions, because they have a house to sell in order to buy another one.

Unfortunately, there’s no absolute answer. Depending upon what news you read, “expert” predictions are all over the place. 

The truth is, broad, general predictions won’t do you much good anyway. The market varies from one area to another, and one price range to another, even within our local area, let alone across the country. Much like the new year arrives at slightly different times across the timezones, we also see market shifts at different times.

So if you’re wondering what’s going to happen with the local market, please reach out to me and I’ll be glad to assess the market and give you my expert opinion as it pertains to your plans!



Matthew Deadman

Broker Associate | License ID: 59425-90

+1(608) 770-3333
